Happy Memorial Day!

29 05 2007

Please remember our troops and the families here at home!

Are Soy Candles Better than Your Average Candle?

24 05 2007

Everyone loves candles and they are a great way to add warmth and comfort to your home. You even have a few choices of candles such as regular wax candles and soy candles. Candles are affordable and they can last for a very long time. The best part about candles is that they look good both lit and unlit. Oddly enough most people, me included, own candles that they never intend to light for fear of ruining their beauty.

Candles are both practical and gorgeous and of all the candles on the market soy candles are the most sought after these days. Everyone is wanting to get themselves some fantastic soy candles. Only soy candles are healthier.

Tip! Always burn your candles in a secure, fireproof holder made especially for candles. Also, ensure that there are no paper products or hand towels in close proximity to the candle’s flame.

Did you know that candles can be dangerous to your health, the health of your children and even your pets? Some candles have been known to kill pet birds! Paraffin is not good for people to be inhaling and some candles are even made with lead wicks in them. Can you image how much harm could be done with a lead wick?

Tip! Consider mixing like-scented candles with unscented candles in your grouping to help control the overall strength of the scent.If you were to purchase soy candles you would not have these types of worries. These soy candles were created to combat the growing problem of inferior cheap candles. Now you can have all the glory of good candles and candle light without the dangerous components. You can even get wonderfully scented soy candles.
There are so many reasons for you to choose soy candles over regular run of the mill candles. For instance, did you know that soy candles can last twice as long as other candles? They are so affordable when you look at them this way. You will be able to get twice as much use out of your candles when they are soy candles. And since they burn slower and longer the smell will be even better.

Tip! Don’t place your candles too close to flower arrangements. Candles have been known to wilt or ruin flowers if the flame overheats their petals.Have you ever noticed that some scented candles get overpowering in their smells? That is because the candles burn so hot and fast. When you are using soy candles this is not a problem. Since the candle is burning at a lower temperature the scent will be dispersed at a much better rate, one that will keep your home smelling fresh and clean all day long.

The biggest complaint that most people have about regular candles is the soot factor. How many times have you had to try and scrub off soot after lighting a candle? Well, the good news is that you will never have to do this again when you switch over to soy candles. Soy candles have no soot production and they will never stain anything at all.

Tip! Change the fragrance and colors of your candles with seasons and moods you desire or would like to revive.Soy is also a renewable resource. It grows in the USA with ease and there is a plentiful amount to it. You will never have to worry about hurting the environment when you are using soy candles. You will be giving people new and better jobs and helping the world at the same time. Soy candles are really the best way to go and if you have not checked them out yet, what are you waiting for?

Tip! Gel Candles – are jellylike candles that produce a rainbow – like shine when lit.

Candles HQ http://www.candles-hq.com/ Articles and information about all sorts of candles.

Get Free Articles From ArticleBuilder.net

Would you like to purchase a great gourmet soy/vegetable based candle? Visit my retail site today! I also offer monthly specials.


22 05 2007

Success is connected with continuous action.
It’s largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.

You’re not finished when you’re defeated,
you’re only finished when you quit.
In fact, there’s only one way you can fail,
and that’s to stop trying.

Continuous effort, persistence and determination
will be necessary for you to succeed.
The odds are in your favor if you keep trying.

You can have a fresh start any time you choose,
for “failure” is not in the falling down, but in the staying down.
It’s not over until it’s over.

If you’ve got the courage to stick it out,
you’ll attain your goal.
Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to, is.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.

Copyright 2007 www.yourdailymotivation.com Reproduce freely but maintain Copyright notice.

Just Got Reviewed!

21 05 2007

My personal website and blog has just been reviewed on www.DennisEdell.com . Dennis reviews hundreds of sites every month. He has a strict review and recommendation policy so if you would like him to review your site, feel free to give him a holla.

Dennis has been in direct sales for over 10 years and with the help of Stephanie Mulac coaching him, he has grown substantially as an internet marketer, blogger and reviewer.

Here is an excerpt of his review of my sites:

The site is very straight forward, which is always good. It’s very easy on the eyes and the navigation simple to understand…2 areas that a lot of web builders overlook or don’t get right.
read the rest of the review here

Thanks Dennis and keep on truckin dude ;)!

Visit Dennis Edell’s site for more reviews, tips and networking tools

Big Day on May 18 & 19

16 05 2007

Guys I’m getting myself pumped again! I will be in Knoxville, Tn doing a table at the Flea Market Expo. This will be my second table show and I am claiming that I will sell all my wonderful smelling candles in one day 🙂 Yep, I’m claiming that success! Oh yes, I have got to get my goals up so I can remind myself what I need to accomplish. Think I need to add remember to write goals as part of my goals, lol. I will update on how it went, won’t be back until Saturday evening. But tonight and tomorrow got to get pack up my gear and inventory. Work, work, work, whistle while you work….

My Online Presentation Fair – Coming in the Future!

11 05 2007

Ok guys, I know you’re visiting and I know you see my voter box to the right of the screen, come on vote already, lol.

I have so many ideas going on in my head how I want to conduct this presentation. I’ll give you some things Ive been thinking about:

  1. Making it like a teleconference where attendees can call in via telephone
  2. There will be a webchat room
  3. I’m thinking of also showing a video business presentation of my company
  4. Question/answer session
  5. Games and prizes

More ideas to come. I would like to have a white board to use for the presentation. I’ve been searching online but trying to find one has been kinda difficult. If any of you have ideas or use whiteboard in presentations please email me at belinda@smellofdelite.com

If you’re wondering what company I represent, please click here

So everybody, give me your input and vote, vote vote!

Managing Your Time In a Home Based Business

11 05 2007

I’ve constantly been struggling with finding time to grow and market my candle business. Working a full time job, I have limited time and when I do have time I feel like I too tired to do anything. I’m looking more into this and received alot of good advice from fellow work at home mothers and business owners. The article below is jut the tip of the time management iceberg. As I find more advice and tips I will be posting here for everyone’s benefit, espcially me

By: Audrey Okaneko

People decide to start a home based business for a variety of reasons. Some people want to be home when their kids get home from school. Some people are caring for a sick parent and wish to be home. Some people just can not conform to the 8-5 mold.

When you work at home, you are in charge of your time. You will decide how much time is spent talking with customers, how much time is spent marketing your business and how much time is spent doing the laundry.

It is so easy to run out to the grocery store, or do a load of laundry, or finish up those dinner dishes; however none of those activities are contributing to your business.

One of the cutest stories I can share with you is the time I spoke with a woman who just couldn’t find her first customer. She and I had created a list of 50 activities she could do that would help her find that first customer. At the end of the week, she still did not have a customer. She was upset and frustrated. We began to talk about the list of 50 activities. She had not done one of them. What she had done was rearrange her office space twice, buy and put labels on several folders for the paperwork she knew she’d have down the road and read some articles on sales.

When you work at home, there is no one telling you when a project must be completed. There is no one asking you for your completed work. You have to have the desire and the motivation to take the steps needed to create sales for any business you start.

I am strong advocator of goals, both short term and long term. What is it that you want to accomplish today, this week, this month and this year? Put it in writing. If you want to find one new customer this week, that’s a great goal, but how will you find that person? Will you place an ad? Will you write articles? What steps will you take to find that new customer?

I know that sometimes we don’t hit our goals. That’s ok, rewrite them. Allow yourself 30 minutes per day to reread your goals, make a plan to execute those goals and if necessary, rewrite them. Remember there is no boss to tell you how to spend your time, but a goal sheet can help guide you through your days and weeks.

Article by:

Audrey Okaneko has been working at home since 1983. She can be reached at audreyoka@cox.net or visited at www.recipe-barn.com

This article is available for reprint with author’s resource box intact and all links live and clickable. Copyright is reserved by author.